• No.3, Medavakkam Main Rd, Parthasarathy Nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai.
  • sreejeedmc@gmail.com
  • +917845978954

Complete Oral Care

The most appealing feature of your personality is your smile. A smile conveys your good nature, boosts your self-assurance, breaks the ice, and softens any icy tension. Therefore, it's crucial to keep a smile that exudes health and vitality. A beautiful smile is fuelled by overall oral health, which can be attained by implementing some routine dental hygiene practises. What is oral care? Oral hygiene goes beyond merely taking care of your teeth; it also focuses on strengthening your gums and keeping your breath fresh. Cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, sensitivity, pyorrhoea, and other conditions might develop as a result of irregular eating patterns and the popularity of fast food. Combining a few mouth-cleansing techniques with giving up some risky behaviours is necessary to maintain good oral health. In this blog, we lay out strategies that are guaranteed to boost dental health and keep your smile's brilliance and sweetness.

Why is oral hygiene important?

Prevention is the goal of oral hygiene. This implies that by taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can prevent oral health problems like cavities, gum disease, bad breath (halitosis), and other problems, before they begin. Whole-body health is connected to oral health as well. For instance, if you have an infection in your mouth, the germs could travel to other parts of your body through your bloodstream and cause heart disease and stroke. Long-term overall health depends on maintaining strong teeth and gums. What symptoms indicate poor oral hygiene? There are a number of warning indicators indicating oral health issues may be present. The most typical indications of inadequate oral hygiene are:
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Chronic bad breath.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Gum recession.
  • Mouth sores that don’t go away.
  • Toothache.
  • Swelling of the jaw.
  • Gingivostomatitis, an infection of the mouth caused by certain bacteria or viruses.
What benefits can proper dental hygiene provide? Even though your dentist may be able to fix teeth that have been harmed by gum disease or decay, it is always preferable to stop issues before they begin. Here's where practising proper dental hygiene can help. There are several advantages to maintaining proper dental hygiene, including:
  • Healthier teeth and gums.
  • A beautiful smile.
  • Fresher breath.
  • A reduced need for dental work such as fillings, crowns, bridges, implants or dentures.
  • A lowered risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other health concerns.
  • A reduced risk of oral cancer.
Additionally, the cost of preventative dental treatment is lower than that of restorative or urgent care. Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene can ultimately save you time, anxiety, and money. Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic is one of the best dental clinics for oral care. Book your appointment today!

Professional Ultrasonic Dental scaling and polishing

Everyone is aware that teeth play a significant role in oral health, and regular dental cleanings are essential to maintaining both a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. The high-frequency vibrations that ultrasonic teeth cleaning equipment create, which are how they scale and clean the teeth, give them their name. These ultrasonic vibrations move at such a rapid rate that plaque and tartar can be removed from teeth quickly, effectively, and painlessly. Additionally, to help remove plaque and tartar, the ultrasonic scaler vibrates while spraying water. Ultrasonic scaling also offers the advantage of allowing your dentist to remove build-up from even the smallest crevices in your teeth thanks to its tiny tip size. It doesn't produce any annoying scraping noises, which is even better! Visit Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic for a scaling every six months to maintain your mouth healthy and free of disease. It can aid in the early detection of gum conditions, tooth decay or cavities, tooth fractures, and loose teeth. You could notice that your teeth feel lighter than usual following a professional ultrasonic cleaning. Contact our dentists today and flaunt your beautiful smile to the world!

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Dental restorations that are tooth-colored are a cutting-edge update to the conventional metal fillings. Since they blend in well with the teeth and have a more natural appearance than amalgam fillings, which are darker and easier to spot, they are made to be discrete and unobtrusive. They can be used to fill and close off a cavity after the decayed part of the tooth has been removed as well as to help repair chipped or broken teeth. They are also known as composite fillings because they are made of a composite resin substance that can chemically adhere to the teeth. The teeth closest to the front of the mouth are treated with composite restorations.

However, because molars sustain more wear than other teeth, and because of recent technological developments and the makeup of composite fillings, dentists are now able to employ tooth-coloured fillings on them as well. Patients now have a variety of alternatives when picking the best kind of dental filling for a cavity.

Today, the majority of people choose tooth-coloured fillings for a more covert outcome. However, there are some circumstances where a metal filling might be a better option. Based on factors including age, dental history, and the position of the impacted tooth, a dentist can assist patients in making the best decision.

Dentists at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic are experts in tooth coloured fillings. Contact us today and book your appointment for the best tooth filling in Chennai.

Root canal treatment

In a root canal procedure, a filling is used to replace the tooth's damaged or infected pulp. The "pulp," which is frequently referred to as the tooth's nerve, is located inside the tooth's hollow centre and is made up of blood vessels and nerve fibres that provide the tooth with oxygen, nutrition, and sensation. Tooth pulp can be irreparably harmed by trauma or extensive decay, leading to infection. The injured pulp is taken out during root canal therapy. Using a drill and microscopic tools, the dentist cleans and forms the root canals. The interior of the tooth is thoroughly cleansed, dried, and then filled with a material that extends all the way to the tip of the root. It may be necessary to perform a root canal in stages over a few appointments (sittings). The biting surface is covered with filling material or a crown after root canal therapy is complete. Additionally, it prevents the tooth from fracturing after a root canal. Our expert endodontist aka Root Canal Specialist at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic will help you with painless and professional treatment.

Orthodontic treatment

In order to rectify anomalies in the jaw and tooth position, such as crowding, protruding (or "bucking") upper teeth, or protruding (or "bucking") lower teeth, orthodontic treatment is frequently advised. These issues might be treated by your dentist, or you might be sent to a specialist orthodontist for care. Braces or another detachable device may be used as corrective measures. A retainer appliance is required to preserve the right tooth positions following orthodontic treatment. If considerable correction is required for the best results, jaw surgery may be required, necessitating a referral to an oral maxillofacial surgeon. Now no more worries and searching for the best orthodontic treatment. Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic is right next to you.

Kids Dentistry

One of Chennai's top paediatric dental clinics is Sreejee Dental Centre. Children and adults can receive painless and comfortable dental care from our paediatric dentist in Chennai. To help them grow into joyful, courageous dental patients for the rest of their lives, we are delighted to see kids in our dental care.

What can we do to make a child smile?

There is no better time to begin practising proper dental hygiene than now if you want to ensure the health of your child's primary teeth, which unfortunately, many parents are unaware are just as important as permanent teeth.In order for a healthy permanent tooth to erupt into the oral cavity, paediatric dental care makes sure that your child's primary teeth remain strong, free of decay, and other dental problems.

The days of a dark environment and harsh noises that further alienated children are long gone.We create an environment for the kids that gives them a really positive mood by treating them to enjoyable activities, which makes us the best paediatric dentist in Chennai. Our highly trained team makes sure that your children have the friendliest experience possible in our clinics, both in the dentist chair and in the waiting area.

Along with providing the child with treatment, our specialist also encourages and teaches the youngster about the value of maintaining good oral hygiene.

We, at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic, find it so overwhelming to treat kids. Book your appointment today for your kids for the best dental service in Chennai.

Ceramic And Zirconia Based Fixed Teeth

ZIRCONIA BASED TEETH One common style of tooth-colored crowns is zirconia. Zirconium crowns, as opposed to other metal crowns that block light, enable light to pass through like a genuine tooth would, giving a tooth-like appearance. The traditional material for the new crowns is porcelain. However, full porcelain can fracture or chip. This can be avoided by creating the crowns from zirconia, a metal that is tooth-colored, and fusing the porcelain to the outside. Zirconium crowns, in contrast to other metal-based crowns that block light, allow light to pass as a regular tooth would, giving a natural appearance. Zirconia crowns with a good hue that precisely matches the natural teeth are offered by Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic. Zirconia crowns are among the top solutions for replacing front teeth in Chennai because of its altering translucency and shade possibilities as well as CAD/CAM designing. CERAMIC BASED TEETH Ceramic crowns are appropriate for persons with metal allergies and work best for front teeth. Although not as intense, the colour is similar to that of actual teeth. More naturally looking than any other crown are all-ceramic crowns. These ceramic crowns stand out from the competition thanks to their thicker, more translucent porcelain construction, which closely resembles the properties of actual tooth enamel, giving them a more realistic appearance and allowing them to blend in with the rest of your natural teeth. All-ceramic crowns are of the highest quality, have a long lifespan, and are frequently used on front teeth. Smile makeovers with all ceramic crowns are a regular operation in reputable dental clinics in Chennai, like Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic.

Removeable Tooth Replacements

You may already know how important teeth are to your appearance and oral health if you have one or more missing. Together, your teeth are intended to support your ability to chew, speak, and smile. It is challenging to perform these tasks when teeth are lacking. Your lips may move and your face may appear older even if only one of your rear teeth is missing. Thankfully, lost teeth can be restored. A bridge or removable partial denture (which replaces missing teeth) often consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-coloured plastic base. A metal framework may also be used to hold the denture in place in the mouth. When one or more natural teeth are present in the upper or lower jaw, partial dentures are used.By crowning the teeth on either side of the gap and affixing prosthetic teeth to them, a fixed bridge replaces one or more missing teeth. The "bridge" is then affixed with cement. A partial denture not only covers the holes left by lost teeth, but also keeps other teeth from shifting position. A precision partial denture includes internal attachments rather than clasps that fasten to the neighbouring crowns and is detachable. This appliance has a more organic appearance. Depending on your needs, your dentist may advise one of the following three solutions. Making the proper treatment choice can help ensure that your replacement teeth last for many years.
  1. Implants
  2. Fixed Bridges
  3. Removable Partial Dentures

Full mouth rehabilitation

The process of recovering all the teeth in the upper and lower jaws is known as full-mouth rehabilitation. This operation is carried out according to a precise plan based on the patient's needs, and it will result in a flawless smile, an excellent bite, and normal function. Not everyone needs complete mouth therapy; only a select group of individuals with the symptoms listed below must. They are listed below Full-mouth Rehabilitation Symptoms:
  • Headaches and ongoing soreness in the jaw muscles when biting.
  • Tooth loss brought on by trauma or decay.
  • Teeth have suffered injuries and fractures.
  • The teeth will be severely worn out as a result of prolonged acid erosion.
Full mouth reconstruction may be necessary due to:
  • Teeth that have fallen out due to corrosion or trauma.
  • Teeth that are chipped or damaged.
  • A tooth that has been significantly eroded by acid over time or that has been broken.
  • Consistent complaints of headache, muscular, and mouth pain necessitating bite changes
No more worrying about any jaw problems. We are here to help you. Dentists at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic is here at your service.

Gum care surgery

Your teeth will stay strong and healthy if you clean and floss them every day and visit the dentist frequently. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is beneficial for your gums as well as your teeth. Your dentist can identify gum disease in its earliest stages and treat it before it worsens by doing routine oral examinations.

Too much time between dental appointments can cause gum disease, which if left untreated can lead to infected, damaged gums that need to be surgically removed. What you should know if your dentist has recommended you to a gum specialist for gum surgery is as follows:

Reasons for Gum Surgery

The mild form of gum disease known as gingivitis is typically treatable by a dentist. An advanced type of gingivitis called periodontitis causes inflammation as well as bone and tissue destruction. A periodontist visit is typically required for periodontitis therapy, which may include gum surgery. Injured bones and tissues can heal back, preventing tooth loss, reducing gum spaces between teeth, and reshaping the jawbone to limit bacterial growth are all benefits of periodontal surgery.

Gum surgery is not exclusively performed to treat gum disease, though. Some people choose to have aesthetic gum surgery, for example, if their gums protrude too far from their teeth, a condition known as a "gummy smile."

We, at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic, will take utmost care of your gums, as we understand how important your smile is!

Endodontic Surgery

It's possible that a nonsurgical root canal won't be sufficient to save your tooth, in which case your endodontist may advise a surgery. During the initial therapy, endodontic surgery may be performed to find minor fractures or hidden canals that were previously missed by X-rays. Additionally, surgery may be required to address injured root surfaces, the tooth's surrounding bone, calcium deposits in root canals, or damaged root canal surfaces. If your endodontist recommends this extra step, there's no need to be concerned about surgery. These treatments can be completed swiftly, comfortably, and successfully thanks to advanced technologies like digital imaging and operating microscopes. A tooth can be saved through a variety of surgical treatments.The most typical is an apicoectomy, also known as a root-end resection, which may be required when infection or inflammation in the bony region surrounding the end of your tooth persists following a root canal treatment. Your endodontist at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic, will first make you comfortable by administering local anaesthesia before performing this microsurgical technique to open the gum tissue close to the tooth in order to see the underlying bone and to remove any inflammatory or infected tissue. The root's very tip is likewise cut off. To assist the tissue recover, a few stitches or sutures may be used along with a tiny filler to seal the end of the root canal. The bone around the root's tip will mend during the following few months.The following day, the majority of patients resume their regular activities. Usually only minor discomfort follows surgery. Why Would Endodontic Surgery Be Necessary? In most cases, a root canal is all that is required to prevent extraction of teeth with damaged pulp. Sometimes, this non-surgical treatment won't be enough to heal the tooth, in which case your endodontist will advise surgery. Endodontic surgery can be performed to find fractures or hidden canals in teeth that do not show up on x-rays but still cause discomfort. At Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic, you will have a no-pain surgery done at affordable costs. Book your appointment today.

Wisdom teeth management

When your third molars get partially or completely wedged between your gums and jawbone, it's called having impacted wisdom teeth. Numerous oral health issues, such as infection, tooth decay, and gum disease, can result from this. When wisdom teeth become impacted, surgical removal is frequently advised as a treatment. Typically, wisdom teeth begin to erupt through the gums in late adolescence or early adulthood. There may not always be enough space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt correctly by this time because the other 28 adult teeth are typically in position. The wisdom teeth may occasionally erupt at an angle or become caught and only partially erupt due to a lack of space. Impacted wisdom teeth are those that erupt in this way. When to see a dentist If your wisdom teeth are causing you a lot of pain or suffering, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will examine your teeth and let you know if they need to be extracted or not. Your dentist will typically take an X-ray of your mouth if they believe you might need to have your wisdom teeth extracted. They can see your teeth more clearly as a result. It's crucial to see your dentist right away rather than waiting for your routine dental exam, as with any teeth issues. So, why waiting. Consult our dentists at Dr.Sreejee's Advanced Dental and Maxillofacial Cosmetic Clinic for any wisdom tooth-related issues.

Surgical dental extraction

A tooth extraction could be required for a variety of reasons, such as serious decay or injury. A tooth extraction, one of the most frequent dental treatments, can get rid of microorganisms and enhance your general oral health. A tooth extraction is a short outpatient surgery carried out by a dentist or oral surgeon under local, general, intravenous, or a combination of anaesthesia. An easy extraction is the removal of teeth that are visible. Broken, subsurface, or impacted teeth call for a more extensive surgery. When is it advised to have a tooth extracted? When feasible, healthcare professionals prefer to preserve natural teeth. However, there are situations when additional restorative measures, like as dental crowns or fillings, are required. If your tooth has suffered severe damage that cannot be repaired, removal may be required. Having your teeth extracted may be advised by your dentist if you: